Monsieur Dryden, to answer both your intervention and the professor's response to it, with respect to where you start and where you go, first and foremost I would say you go to the sons and daughters of Canada who are not only recruited but who volunteer for military service.
I am anything but certain that they, and their mothers and fathers, understand that when they join the forces they leave at the door the rights they got at birth. We're not recruiting mercenaries; we're recruiting our sons and daughters to serve under the flag.
To say I would be upset would be an understatement, if the advertisement for enrolling Canadians would have a subtext that says “If you serve in the military, then we will apply a different type of law. Your right to fair trial, your right to whatever it is, will be applied arbitrarily by the Canadian Forces as an instrument of the state.”
I would object to that with every ounce of my mind.