Okay, I see.
I have another question about dealing with grievances. We have heard about cases where the chief of the defence staff goes to resolve the matter. Unfortunately, if there are financial implications, the chief of defence staff may claim not to have the authority to make any financial settlement that may have been awarded. As I understand it, it's the legal department that evaluates the complaint and can say yes or no.
In your presentation, you seem to be saying that there are some complex questions that need to be resolved. You do not mention what they are, but it seems quite simple to us. Just suppose that it is recognized that an injustice has been done to someone and we owe him $1,000 because of that injustice, but we don't take the next step. Would you not agree with me that it would be a lot easier, and would save a lot of time and effort, if the chief of the defence staff had the authority to correct, not only the injustice itself, but the financial injustice that resulted from it?