Sure, and thank you very much again for the question.
Human smuggling, as we all know, has been in the news a great deal lately and poses a significant challenge across a number of government departments. With respect to the funding in the supplementary estimates (C) that has been designated here, the amount of $422,000, which is a net employee benefit plan, and costs of $36,000 are being requested on behalf of the Communications Security Establishment Canada.
As you're aware, the details of specific CSEC operations are of a very sensitive and classified nature. We don't want to create a situation where we would be assisting any of Canada's adversaries by talking too openly about this, but this is a one-time request to cover year-end costs associated with enhancing their operational capacity; that is, monitoring certain communications to ensure we are protecting Canada's interests, and this is in keeping with that effort. These enhancements are very much about maintenance costs in support of our efforts specifically to deter human smuggling that could bring illegal migrants to our shores.