Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Colonel Drover, for presenting to us once again.
I'm treating your presentation as background for the commencement of our study.
Forgive me if I don't accept some of the assumptions that are inherent in what you say. When you tell us that, for example, according to an estimate, the total annual cost of the current service is approximately $339 million per year, that appears to be totally contradictory to the Chief Review Services report dated January 2008, which is an evaluation of the Canadian Forces/DND component of the national search and rescue program, produced by your department.
In that document, on page 3, it says as follows:
Annual forecast spending for FY 2006/07 for the federal component of the NSP has been estimated at $219 million. The CF/DND share of this forecast is reported as approximately $102 million or 46.6 percent of total Federal SAR forecasted expenditures. The CCG, a special operating agency reporting to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, is a second significant participant in budgetary terms, forecasting $104 million in expenditures or 47.5 percent of declared expenditures for the federal component of the NSP.
Both of those figures can't be correct. This one is from the Chief Review Services, which I understand is the equivalent of some sort of internal auditor within the department, and your figures are estimates done by somebody else.
I wonder if you could put a copy of that particular report from Defence Research and Development Canada before this committee. Can you get us a copy of that?