As you know, in the summer of 2008 the joint support ship project had unacceptable bids, and the government chose not to enter into an inappropriate contract. Working with the chief of the maritime staff, we have come back and very rigorously reviewed the requirement, and looked very hard at the cost drivers of that requirement.
At the time we went out with our request for proposal, the market was at an enormous peak boom period. Since then, actually, the market has crashed significantly in the maritime business of cargo ships and ship construction. Nevertheless, you have to understand those cost drivers. We understand those cost drivers much better than we did two years ago.
We are in the final preliminary design phase. We have an in-house engineering design firm producing an in-house design for joint support ships. We would like to go and look at two foreign, very successful designs--not have them build it, but to come in with proven designs and work with our project management team. We have not formally gone to any foreign country yet.