It was initially predicted that it would be delivered in 48 months. Sikorsky came back to us and discussed a weight problem, that the helicopter in its design was too heavy to meet the specific endurance requirement, which is a very difficult one, by the air force. They wanted to defer the delivery by about a total of 22 months. They initially asked for more money. We did not pay more money. We agreed that we would make a small investment, I believe $70 million, in an upgraded powertrain system so we would have growth potential in the transmission and engine of the final delivered helicopter. And we agreed to allow them more time to solve the weight and power issue.
We also had a technical issue with control data from the United States of the data exchange box, which is the crypto-secure box, which was outside the control of Sikorsky. They could not access that information through foreign governments, so we gave them a small amount of money to design a different solution. They had to design a different solution because they couldn't access the technology.