Agreed, but I would say that's not being done, because if you take a look--and I do own this part of the career process--every year we hold merit boards for each rank level. Merit boards are established and then people are promoted. That hasn't changed. Now we're just talking about positions in the regular force.
Most of the positions that we're talking about here have been created, as mentioned in the comments up front, because of the current high demand for individuals, given Afghanistan and the need to expand the Canadian Forces in the longer term, even though we've recruited people up front.
If you take a look at the establishment of the Canadian Forces, it is going to be relooked at. We need a new establishment for the Canadian Forces for regular force, full-time reserves, and part-time reserves. That's what needs to be built, and that's what they're beginning to work on right now to ensure that everyone gets a chance, which I believe they do right now in the reserve force, to continue with their career progression.
However, the challenge becomes this: there are reservists, when you look into it, who are not in permanent reserve positions and who have to recompete every three years for a job. Therein lies the challenge.