Yes, it does. Thank you.
On this strategic line of communication vis-à-vis readiness, in your preparations where you're identifying potential areas, where you're looking at readiness and determining some of the likely things that you may be called upon to deal with, given what's going on currently in the world, do you automatically build in a strategic line of communication as part of that preparation? Without those supplies to keep the front lines going, you're limited in how long you can be effective. Do you do this immediately upon identifying where you're going and what the need is and then build that in?
I'm curious about the readiness, the strategic line of communication, when you're identifying potential hot spots that you may be called upon to respond to as part of the pre-planning. Do you think about where that strategic line of communication is and try to form some rough idea of it ahead of time, or can that happen only after you've identified the mission?