Again, it goes back to where you deploy, and it was alluded to. It's a good question. If I end up providing people who are going to be part of a task force, they will undergo the training required for that task force to make sure that they're mission capable, both in terms of technical requirements and in terms of operational or combat requirements. What you saw in Wainwright was a group that would get together to essentially force-generate the capability to work at the task force level. To the extent to which I need to augment that task force with individuals, they will undergo that same level of training to ensure they have the appropriate skill sets.
In addition to that, again, a strategic line of communication, a Cyprus or a Germany, is not quite the same environment as an Afghanistan. We have readiness requirements we need to set for those environments also, and we will manage those training environments for deployments to those areas. Again, they are not as intense, clearly, as combat operational environments.