Thank you.
Changes in strength always occur subsequent to recruitment and military personnel retiring from the forces.
We balance our strategic intake with an attrition rate.
At the present time, the rate is about 7%, I believe. However, in terms of the staff complement, we do have exact numbers.
So it's expected--we expect--that there will be differences in effectifs over time, going up and down, with some of those effectifs based on their physical or emotional health. When you talk about the availability of a unit and how many soldiers out of that unit of 1,000 who live
in Valcartier and could be deployed today, I would say it is normally about 15%.
are not deployable. Perhaps there's a family issue, a pregnancy, a broken leg, or something along those lines. So our numbers go up and down. That's what we expect the adjustments in the budget in 3.6....
You did say 3.6%, didn't you?