Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Without presupposing the intent of the Security Council, of course, the effect of the current resolution is to actually carve out specific areas that are specifically intended for the continuation of the support provided to the Libyan population and to the NTC in their endeavour.
As Ambassador McCardell has mentioned, if you look at “Operating”, paragraph 13--and I will make sure this resolution gets distributed to this committee--the arms embargo now does not apply to arms and related materials that are intended solely for the security or disarmament assistance to the Libyan authorities. So it clarifies this. It further clarifies in subsection (b) that the international community is to include United Nations personnel, representatives of the media, and humanitarian and development workers, and that they will be allowed to bring in small armaments for the purpose of their self-defence.
I believe this is a regime that continues to be applied generally very strongly through the operation of resolutions 1970 and 1973. But to be more specific, the Security Council made specific exemptions to the arms embargo.