The best questions come to me.
Certainly I think we have seen through the last six and a half months of this that Gadhafi and those around him are determined to stay in power for, we've presumed, a variety of reasons: their own interests, the interests of those around them, their unwillingness to cede power, and the determination to protect themselves, regardless of the cost it has for their own people. We've seen a variety of reasons--or we can imagine a variety of reasons--why he would not surrender.
Even now, reduced to a small corner of Libya, he's still determined to remain in place, and again with no consideration for the damage he's doing to his country in the long term. Within that is the calculation of the ICC part of his thoughts; that would be into speculation on my part. There is certainly a demonstrated will for him to remain in place regardless, and we would be in a difficult position to assess what his thinking is on why he's staying in power.