Thank you for the question.
We initially bought 138 CF-18s. That was in the early 1980s. We still had a fairly large footprint in NATO bases in Europe and so on. With the consolidation in early 2000, when we brought those assets back from Europe, there was a decision made that only 80 aircraft would remain in our operational fleet and be modernized. In other words, the reinvestment was based on our current defence needs and not on the ones from the early 1980s. We have modernized those 80 airplanes, although we've lost three since then. The 77 aircraft remaining are good until, I'd say, the end of life of the F-18. The numbers will remain firm all the way to the end of the decade. As we get into the next decade, obviously, we'll have to start retiring the airplanes as they run out of those operational hours. But right now, our transition plan allows for that transition between the operational fleet as it ages out and the new fleet as it comes online.