Maybe I'd just second, Mr. Chair, what the honourable member had to say about the maintainers. We have visited many bases, and they are top-notch, best in the world at what they do.
The optimization of the resources goes on every day within the military. You visit a base and you will see that they will prioritize the maintenance and repair of their equipment based on what they have to do in the next week, month, six months, year, and so on. So if they're getting ready for an exercise in the far north, that becomes the priority for the maintenance and repair technicians. They make sure the equipment is ready to go, and when the training begins, the equipment is there and it can go.
In periods of high operational tempo, of course, the priority has to be to make sure the soldiers in the field have the equipment they need. So when you have a limited number of human resources, those human resources will focus on the equipment that's required for the soldiers in the field.