Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I would like to address one of the issues that I think is important, and you outlined the type of threat, Dr. Skillicorn.
What are the problems and what are the issues with the cyber-threat?
I want to inform you that a report from the European Union's Security and Defence Agenda says that several countries are very interested in preparing for cyber-attacks or potential cyber-attacks.
For example, in 2011 the Finnish government announced plans to invest heavily in developing an arsenal of cyber-defence weaponry, such as worms, malware, and viruses to protect military, government, and private enterprise networks as well as the country's critical infrastructure.
In 2007 there were attacks on Estonia, and in October 2011 there were also attacks on our own parliamentary network and government institutions.
Some of the Nordic countries are highly connected. By 2015 Finland aims to be the world leader in information security.
There are a couple of issues I would like to hear your views on, your balanced opinion.
Is the cyber-threat one of the next important threats against the armed forces? How will these cyber-threats influence deployment readiness if everybody knows where we are deploying and the information is compromised?