I don't have any personal problems with privatization—it has been done in other places in the world—but it has to be under an overall government authority, in the sense that doctors work for themselves, but they're also part of a medicare system in this country.
I think the problem is that the cost-benefit analyses that have been done about SAR have left out the political part of the equation. I think you're going to see more and more Canadians in outlying areas insisting that the political part of the equation be factored back in.
I mean, it's okay to say that it costs us too much to put a helicopter permanently at point X, but then when a kid goes missing for three days and could have been found alive if he'd been found within 12 hours, that cost-benefit analysis goes right out the window.
That's why we have a problem. And we do have a problem in search and rescue, there's no question in my mind.