I'll start with the third question.
Absolutely, we have to have professional navy, army, air force training, joint training and all of that. But at the end of the day, what's most important is that you have people who are comfortable, capable, well educated, and able to take those decisions on their feet that they have to take. This is why professional development and education and creating an atmosphere and leadership approach within the organization....
I think my observation would be that it currently exists big time right now. Leaders are comfortable that if they take the decision at a roadblock, and it's a reasonable decision but it doesn't work out exactly the way the CBC evening news might show it, they will be supported by the chain of command, and at the end of the day they'll be supported by Canadians who have confidence in the Canadian Forces.
So you've got to have that ability to think on your feet. But they've got to have the confidence that if they make the right, credible, moral, professional, and ethical decision and that decision goes south, they're going to be supported by the chain of command.