On the strategic value of women, I'll make three points, and some of these are personal reflections of someone who's worked on peace and security issues for a couple of decades now, actually more than that.
Women are, as I call it, the canaries in the coal mine. When you see state fragility, political transitions...look at the position of women in a society and you can almost start to predict where state fragility might go, and predict the differential impact on women.
We've done a lot of work internationally in Canada, etc., on the particular vulnerabilities of women. Sexual violence in conflict is still going on at alarming rates in spite of all the efforts. It's something we need to, and we do, address, but we need to keep trying.
On specific vulnerability, in a lot of the fragile states women are the economic generators in agriculture areas, the invisible market, and those are some of the areas that are hit first when a state devolves into conflict. They're also caring for more of the family, so they'll get hit a little worse from an economic perspective.
So women are canaries in the coal mine. Watch where they are. It helps you measure how badly a state might end up doing, and how badly the women are going to fare, because quite often they'll fare worse.
Women serving as models/irritants—I like that—to the established order in fragile states. It's not us as western women coming in and steering these things that I think is the key game changer. I think it's the women in those countries, and it's really important.
I met—and Chris can speak to this—some very strong Afghan women MPs, and every time I'd go back to Kabul I'd be meeting some different MPs and different women police in Kandahar. Why? Because somebody I met with the time I was there before had been killed and assassinated after my last trip. These women would just keep coming forward, putting themselves forward for election, and putting themselves forward as policewomen in Kandahar. Incredible courage. We're not in the same ballpark as those women who are leading, the women in Egypt in Tahrir Square, etc. You're seeing women at the vanguard of these changes as well, and they are the ones who are particularly vulnerable in places like Afghanistan. But I also think it would be a mistake to idolize.
As a personal reflection, at the Arusha peace talks after the Rwandan genocide, I remember a Tanzanian woman minister very strongly saying, if women had been running Rwanda, the genocide wouldn't have happened. A Rwandan woman stood up and said, yes, it would; there were women participating in the genocide.
So we have to be careful as we approach this. Women are integral parts of society. They're not always the peacemakers and peace bringers, so when we approach an integrated intervention or engagement in a country, we have to take into account the different roles women play, the different political leadership roles.
On Karzai's recent announcement, we've been pretty tough back at him. I was in conversations a couple of years ago with President Karzai, where he was absolutely lauding the progress they've made—300,000 girls in school, etc. Sometimes you'll see political positioning from the man that is unacceptable, and we make it very clear on that front. We'll see where he goes on this issue or whether this is just an aberration, and we're watching it really closely.