I'd just add a word to that, because Kerry touched on what I think is the key issue, and that is the pre-deployment training. I think if there's anything that we really learned about how to prepare whole of integrated government teams, it was the training that we put people through, and it was really tough training. We brought civilians into the military training environment. We mocked up Afghan villages. We put together loya jirgas. We did a lot of role playing, all as integrated teams, so that folks, first of all, were exposed to everything: the military to the different way that civilians think and the issues they bring to the table, and vice versa. But also then, to be able to take that sense of community into the field....
As you know, when you're at the tactical level, all this stuff works because you're on the ground together and you make it work. That's the beauty of it. I think one of the lessons learned out of Afghanistan about our other operations is that we need to reverse engineer that to make sure we get that same degree of intense integration back here. I think we are making some progress there.
I would just note also that we have diplomatic advisors with our military personnel. We have military advisors with our diplomatic personnel. I know when Haiti broke, one of the first things we did was to send a senior military officer down to work alongside the ambassador. We embedded somebody from Foreign Affairs into the defence department, and also from CIDA too, because we needed to know what we were going to put on the pallets so that we were getting the right stuff to folks. That level of integration back in headquarters is one of the things that we will need to make sure we exercise and preserve when we're not in the intensity of operations that we were through in the last number of years.