As to lessons we learned in Afghanistan, there are a lot of them. But in terms of how we work together, I said in my introductory remarks that in terms of our policy priorities, which map out into our programming priorities, that was whole of government. It was developed to whole of government, so the highest strategic level was fully integrated metrics for how we would measure our success.
When you got down to the deployments, it's really in the field and the theatre of operations where the rubber hit the road. Somebody talked earlier about cultural awareness training. We would have joint training of our civilian and military deployments before they go out and deploy. We would have joint training on cultural awareness by both military in the field and civilians. So it's joined up in terms of the trainers and the trainees.
Then, in terms of planning on the ground, if you're going into an area to clear and hold an area, obviously the Canadian Forces do more of the clearing, but the holding has to be done through a combination of forces—security perimeters, security support, and development programming and security programming, which we would do with the RCMP and others. That's how you hold an area and make sure insurgents don't come back in. To do that, we had to have fully joined-up planning in theatre and then fully joined-up deployments. We had people out in all the four operating bases at the PRT, etc.
Those are lessons we've really taken to heart. I won't talk now, but we've done it in in the Haiti quake; we had the same kind of approach.