There are different sources for sanctions. I believe—firmly believe—that if you add the panoply of UN sanctions that can be implemented pursuant to chapter VII, plus sanctions done in coordination with like-minded states, then you can address some of the security concerns you have by using these sanctions.
Can you address them completely? It depends on the situation, to be frank. Sanctions have to be targeted at the source of the instability. For instance, regarding Iran's sanctions, Canada has been an absolute leader in this regard. We fully implemented the UN sanctions based on six Security Council resolutions. We brought them in. But in addition, we've done a number of other things to make sure that none of the component parts of Iran's nuclear program come from Canada.
So you add a whole host of measures brought in under the Special Economic Measures Act to those sanctions that are mandated by the Security Council to give you a big menu. But at the same time, we're working with partners to broaden the support for those sanctions and to deepen them, so pressuring on an oil embargo and moving to make sure that sanctions are outside of the small group of western states in order to make them broader. So a sanctions regime, yes—