I'm going to give the associate minister an opportunity to speak to some of the specific investments that we've made in equipment for readiness.
Readiness, as you know, sir, as a former serving member, includes the training and the preparation. That includes investments in infrastructure, in bases where this training takes place. But the readiness I would describe as the critical piece. This allows Canadian Forces to deploy when needed, to respond, to be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared to face the challenge, whether it be in a combat mission as we saw in Afghanistan, whether it be in a training posture where we currently find ourselves, whether it be in a different type of mission and a technically advanced mission as we saw over Libya and off the coast of Libya, or responding to humanitarian crises, as was the case in Haiti.
All of this involves many moving parts in terms of equipment, logistics, command and control, and in many cases, using highly technical equipment as was the case with UAVs and now, in some cases, satellite technology and human intelligence.
All of this requires investment, training, preparation, and results in the readiness that Canada needs in order to be able to rely on those men and women to perform incredible feats on behalf of our country. Perhaps to speak to some of the specific readiness, I would defer to Associate Minister Fantino.