That's a very good question.
The high-level, top-secret information will be protected. There will be more than an “air wall”, I assure you for that confidential information, particularly that which we would receive from, for example, the Five Eyes community, or information that would be of interest to some of those countries that you mentioned and others as well.
CSEC—and our new commissioner of CSEC is with us—can also give you some information on how DND and other high-level government information is protected. With respect to your question on CSEC, this new stand-alone agency is still under the auspices of the Department of National Defence—and I don't want to put too fine a point on it, but it's a bit like, you will recall, when CSIS was taken out of the RCMP and given stand-alone status. That's what is occurring here.
It essentially is still very much part of the DND establishment, but it now has a separate entity, separate budget, and that accounts for the money you're seeing here coming out of the DND budget.