We have the strategic concept. You've given us some additional insights into it. I think a lot of food for thought stems from your describing it as aspirational in some way. It's a declaratory document. Some real work needs to be done to make sure the alliance is acting in the ways it needs to fulfill those aspirations.
Could you, in closing, give us a sense of where you think Canada falls short in being able to deliver on these aspirations? Clearly we've done some things well historically and recently. You've covered that. We've heard about that here.
Where do you think the gaps are in our capabilities, in our commitment under this strategic concept as an ally? In your strategic outlook paper you talk about certain scenarios. We hope they don't come to pass with regard to Syria, Iran, and North Korea. You mentioned that your analysis of the strategic concept had been made in a darker frame of mind.
Could you share with us some of those dark thoughts, but with regard to Canada's capabilities and the gaps we might find in seeking to fulfill our obligations under the strategic concept?