I think we all take your points about the accountability of NATO to the United Nations for operations like Libya when they take place under a UN Security Council mandate. Reporting, human rights, civilian casualties—all these had to be looked at and were looked at. What is the accountability and what is the recourse of NATO countries when the UN doesn't act, as in the case of Syria, and doesn't give a mandate, and the death toll rises above 30,000, as we know to be the case right now?
Building on that, you gestured at the defence reductions taking place in Europe—€50 billion was taken out of defence budgets in the last four years in Europe—in suggesting that we may, as Canada, be better served not to just have niche capabilities but to be able to deliver combat capabilities on a viable scale when required. What do you see those combat capabilities for Canada looking like in 2012 and beyond, as the pressure is on us to be a leading player in support of international peace and security only builds?