That's a great question, because the first thing to also recognize is that the majority of mental health we deal with has nothing to do with operations. The majority of mental health we deal with is the same as what every other Canadian in Canada deals with, so we have a baseline of health care providers who are there to pick up the majority of that.
Once you add on, to say whether it was expected or not.... Going into this, I don't think many people knew what to expect. Canada didn't know, and the U.S., Australia, and our other NATO partners didn't know. What we're finding is that the numbers of people suffering with operational stress injuries are similar to those of other nations, such as the U.K. and Australia, that have had similar deployments and similar exposures.
We're not different in any way, but as we've studied this over the past decade—and we've done a series of studies—we've been able to redirect resources as needed to different areas that we realized would have a higher percentage of people who are suffering. That's why we opened the operational and trauma stress support centres in Gagetown and Petawawa.