Thank you, Chair.
Thanks to you both for coming.
I want to get your comments on Fortitude Under Fatigue, Pierre Daigle's report, because the picture you're painting in your presentation seems to be at some variance with what Mr. Daigle said. In recommendation 5, he indicates:
The most significant is the considerable gap which remains between the capability to deliver the care CF members with OSIs need and deserve, and the actual capacity to deliver it. This gap is primarily the result of a chronic inability to achieve, or come close to achieving, the established manning level of the mental health function. The impact this has had on the frontline delivery of care, treatment and support to CF members with PTSD and other OSIs and their families has been profound.
I'm sure you've read his report, and I'm sure you've had time to think about it, but it does strike me as being at some variance with what you're saying. I'd be interested in your observations.