Thank you very much.
This is an exciting project, and one that I know northerners are embracing. There is a station there that the Canadian Forces share with other departments, but this facility is there very much to help train and facilitate a future presence of members of the Canadian Forces in such missions as Operation Nanook and others that happen annually.
We're working with Natural Resources in particular on this project to expand the polar continental shelf program, which is located at Resolute in Nunavut. This expansion of the facility will allow for additional accommodation so that we can have more of our members there to share this facility. It's a multi-purpose facility shared with Natural Resources.
It's all about reinforcing the Canadian Forces presence in the Arctic, in keeping with the Prime Minister's commitments and those of our government. We're transferring $1 million to Natural Resources Canada on this particular project. This will help our department as well as NRCan in carrying out our respective mandates and doing so in a cost-effective way. This is one of those many ways in which we're sharing facilities and working with other departments to find efficiencies and cost savings.