Well, there is a contract that I think Ms. Gallant is referring to that specifically deals with the replacement of tactical armoured patrol vehicles, many of which will be based at CFB Petawawa, which is in the member's riding.
This is a tactical patrol vehicle that will be used for reconnaissance and surveillance. It's an important part of the overall Canadian Forces army capability.
We saw the utility and the importance of having protective equipment in theatre in Afghanistan. The insidious nature of warfare these days is becoming increasingly challenging, and that's why there are investments in tactical armoured patrol vehicles with up-armour. These vehicles are being purchased to address some of the deficiencies that were identified in older equipment and provide more protection, more ability to move in a quick and efficient fashion, and also to be, quite frankly, more comfortable for the soldiers who are using them. They provide greater human dimensions, if you will.
National defence and public works are seeking funding in the amount of $59.5 million for this project, which is contained in the supplementary estimates (B). The first TAPVs, as they are known, Mr. Chair, are currently expected to come into use in the year 2014. Again, I thank the member for her question.