Thank you for your question.
You make a very important point. We need to continue to connect with Canadians, even if that presence becomes difficult for us as budgetary pressures or any sort of pressures, personnel pressures, come to us. You speak of northern Ontario and northern Quebec, but it's an even larger issue. We are seeking to increase from several thousand rangers up to 5,000 rangers. We need 4,000 to 5,000 people for the Canadian armed forces, and we broadly seek that they would be representative of all of our regions and all of our heritage backgrounds.
In fact, the news is quite good. As a result of putting much greater focus on online capability for recruiting, we're finding that the majority of those who are interested in joining the Canadian armed forces are getting most of their information much more comprehensively online, and receiving responses to it very quickly. So for those 4,500 positions that we're trying to fill, that we will be filling this year, we're finding approximately eight candidates for every position.
We have to be very careful, because that's indicative right now of an economy and a combat awareness of the Canadian armed forces that we may not have in years to come. In other words, never take your recruiting base for granted. That said, we are extremely well positioned for filling our strategic intake this year and for years to come, and we're finding that online resource is helping us greatly to get to those areas that we were unable to get to even when we had small recruiting elements in some of these northern towns that you talked about—both in Ontario and in Quebec, but also across the nation.