For myself, personally, I actually purchased my dog from a rescue, so he cost me $150. I purchased him prior to getting involved with Mr. Leonard.
When you deal with vets or whatever and you inform them that your dog actually is a service animal, most vets will.... Well, for myself, one vet, I don't have to pay the tax, which, when you're talking about big vet bills, isn't that much. I had the dog prior. I paid for him.
Now, Mr. Leonard, who I believe is speaking later, may be able to give you more insight, but I know from dealing with the program that if a soldier is in dire need, usually MSAR has a dog that's trained that he will loan out to that individual to help him get through his or her time of need, at which point—at least now we have some funds—we could look at getting that individual his or her service dog at that time.