Obviously, as a department, but as the health services, there were a multitude of reasons for that. Number one, as you've heard many times, there is not a plethora out there of extra capacity of human resources for mental health services available in Canada that are free to be hired by some of the organizations. When you are looking for more services you are going to a market that is already fully engaged. The competition to move them into DND or the CF is not an easy one. There is not a whole lot of unemployed people looking for work.
Related to that, of course, is that as an agency of the government and as part of the public service—many of these are civilians we are looking at and we are not looking at CF members—there's not a pool of mental health care professionals in the public service who you could actually reassign or ask for through an internal competition. They are almost all external. You have to actually seek out these people from the civilian sector.
That leads you into a whole bunch of public service hiring practices, such as timelines involved and classifications. Therefore, there is a huge lag time from when you identify a person to when you can actually hire them. It's sometimes 10 months or longer. Of course, if any health care professionals out there are looking for work, they are not about to stick around for a few months, let alone 10 months to get an answer on whether or not you can offer them a job.
That part of the bureaucratic process that exists within the government was a hindrance.