What do you think of the countries—because we have to compare ourselves to other countries as well—that have chosen to take care of the training of their doctors from the beginning and to make them sign a contract before they even register in school? Right when they pass the school's entrance exam, they sign a contract that requires them to stay in the armed forces for a certain number of years. In France, for example—and this is laziness on my part because it is easier for me to read in my language—military doctors in general practice have to stay in the armed forces for 12 years, and doctors with hospital specialties have to stay for 14 to 18 years, depending on the specialty.
What do you think about that kind of contract, one that would require not only doctors, but also students who want to become military doctors, to commit, before beginning their studies, to stay a certain number of years in the armed forces once they graduate? Could that be an approach to the problem you raised at the start?