The Lamer report does make recommendations with respect to the review period for the military justice system and the Canadian Forces grievance process that can be specifically required and entrenched within the act, within the bill. Bill C-15, to answer your question directly, would accomplish that. As well, it would improve the current system and mechanism for review by moving the review process and provisions into the defence act so that it becomes codified, specifying the scope of the review, the thematic basis—that is, the military justice system, the grievance, the Canadian Forces military policy complaints schedule. All of this would increase the utility of reviews by changing the review cycle from five to seven years. To do this, I would suggest, accords a sufficient period of time to provide the adequate track record upon which to base subsequent assessments of the operations of provisions.
We find ourselves today in this place where there was a review called for in earlier iterations of this bill, and because of the fact that this particular legislation has been unable to move forward for a number of reasons, the time has essentially passed.
Putting this bill in place and then allowing seven years to pass will allow us to sufficiently study the impacts of these amendments and then respond appropriately at the next review period. We've had two reviews. We've incorporated reviews into this legislation, and we'll do the same in future legislation.