Yes, I will. Thank you.
First of all, I'd suggest that they are fair and they are constitutional. We have a two-tier military justice tribunal structure. That includes summary trials, which are most often to do with disciplinary matters, matters that would be described in civilian terms as of a relatively minor effect, but that can have catastrophic effects in the field and can have far-reaching implications, and then we have the more formal court martial system.
The summary trial is by far the most commonly used as a form of service tribunal in the military justice system. It plays a vital role for the maintenance of discipline and operational effectiveness, which I spoke to a moment ago.
The summary trial system also provides a prompt and fair justice system and is used only in respect of minor service offences, so again, things that members here who have served could speak to, such as a member's appearance, for example, or a dereliction of duty, or insubordination. Those are the types of classic summary trial types of offences. The objective is clearly to deal with those minor service offences as quickly and effectively as possible to not infringe upon the member's ability to carry out their duty.
The military unit itself requires a member to return to duty as quickly as possible, so it's something that should happen quickly. In this way, the unit benefits from having its discipline restored quickly. It also has implications for what I would describe—again, in civilian terms—as general and specific deterrence; that is, the observation of others in the unit to see what happens when a particular offence is committed. Resolving it quickly and dealing with it as far as consequences go—if any—is meant to do so in a way such that members can carry out their mission.
To answer the latter part of your question, some of Canada's most eminent jurists—the late Justice Brian Dickson, Antonio Lamer, and, more recently, Justice LeSage—each have examined our military justice system, and in significant detail, I would suggest. Each has come back with recommendations—some for refinement—but all have stated that the system is in fact constitutional and is efficient and necessary to maintain as separate from our current criminal justice system.