As we mentioned at the beginning, we try to help people navigate existing mechanisms to resolve their issues. We provide a lot of information and do a lot of education and referral, but at one point we also try to open doors to put people in contact with the proper office to resolve their issues.
As I said, we do not replace the chain of command. We encourage people to use existing mechanisms, the redress of grievance being the last one that someone can resort to. We're a bit of a last resort on this particular issue. When the member has exhausted his process and a decision has been taken by the Chief of the Defence Staff as the final authority, they can come to us if they still feel that they've been treated unfairly, and we will review the full process of the redress of grievance and in the end make some recommendation to the Chief of the Defence Staff.
This is in itself a complex issue because, without offence, when it becomes too legalized, we feel that the system becomes a bit heavier than it should be. When you think about it, this is an administrative process to help resolve a decision that created some wrong. If we review the process because we find out that some element was omitted and ask the Chief of the Defence Staff whether he would have changed his mind if he had known of this particular issue, he might say yes, because it's a decision that he made. Right now, we are still confronting some resistance. I hate to use that word, because I've hated to hear that word for a long time.
It's functus officio. It's because a decision has been taken and cannot be reviewed, but this is not a court or a legal decision; this is an administrative decision that someone took. If you're told that this is what we found out and you said, “If I had known that, I would have changed my mind”, I would assume you would be able to change your mind because you could correct the mistake.
In redress of grievance, we review the entire process and make those recommendations, and so on.