Treasury Board does use discretion on each one of these cases as it comes before them. I sit there. There are Treasury Board directives which really are guidelines. Treasury Board does have discretion to go one way or the other. I understand your sentiment on that, but I think you're being a little bit too positive about what Treasury Board will do.
I'd like to switch to the home equity assistance program. Mr. Harris quoted some numbers about claims that were denied. The numbers we have are that less than 2% of Canadian Forces personnel request housing equity assistance. In the last six years, 2006 to 2012, there were about 113,000 who were relocated and there were only 30 claims that were actually denied, which is three one-hundredths of one per cent. I don't know whether that jives with your numbers. If there's one unsatisfied customer, obviously somebody has a concern with that, but considering the number we're talking about, that number seems quite small.