Effectively in our report in 2010, we did recommend that the chief of the defence staff be given financial authority to address financial compensation. But we also recommended that the Canadian Forces should look at the past to address those who at that time were not fully satisfied, within their grievance, when there was a financial compensation attached to it. There were some people who came to our office who we kind of held in abeyance waiting to see the changes. Our recommendation was it should be a bit retroactive, it should look back at all those who had been affected by this particular issue. This is one thing.
The other thing, as you mentioned, is that the power to authorize a payment is subject to any conditions imposed by the Treasury Board. It was, in our view, in our reading, the assessment of Chief Justice Lamer that the CDS be given full final authority to address this. By giving the chief of the defence staff an ex gratia authority, this ex gratia payment under Treasury Board directive specifically said, and I have the more complete—