Well, Mr. Drapeau hasn't worked in the system. Of course, Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Stannard have, but they have a particular perspective, the perspective of MPCC.
I'd invite you to recall that the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff and the Canadian Forces provost marshal, who actually do work with the system and who are in fact the ones who have to make it work, stated in testimony before this committee, in the previous consideration of Bill C-41, that they had no concerns. The provost marshal said, to paraphrase, “If I really had a concern, I wouldn't be here supporting it.” He's the guy who has to make it work, and he stood here and said that he didn't have a concern with it. The Vice Chief of the Defence Staff basically said, “I regard this as a protection for the Canadian Forces provost marshal, as a safeguard for his independence.”
We may have different perspectives, but I can assure you that there is no sinister intent involved here. It's meant to be transparent and in fact a protection for independence.