There are three things that were said opposite that disturbed me. One suggested that we have to balance the interests of justice with operations. I don't think that's a balancing act this legislation is doing and neither do I think we balance the interests of justice with operations, we find a way to achieve justice despite operational circumstances.
When you look at this issue here, if it is a step backwards—which we know it is because there's already an agreement now between the provost marshal and the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff that it operates in the spirit of independence—stepping backwards is not modernizing a rule. If we're going to modernize military justice, we'd listen to what Justice Létourneau said when he talked about the modernization of the military justice system that's taken place in Australia, in the U.K., in New Zealand, and in other parts of the world that have recognized some of the arcane aspects—some of them are a century old—of military justice.
The modernization of the military justice system would actually make it more like the civilian system. The aspects that are unnecessary in the military context should be removed. Clearly that had been undertaken in Canada through one of the recommendations of Justice Lamer and the follow-through by the agreement and guidelines that had already been agreed upon. We're not modernizing it, we're going backwards. That's absolutely wrong.
The government has put forth not one single incident, not one single circumstance, not one single example where a provision like this was necessary and unfortunately was not available—not one. On the other hand, there have been two incidents discussed, which were in combat—one was in Somalia and one in Afghanistan—where in fact the opportunities to interfere were present. They weren't used, thankfully.
One required significant independence. In the Somalia situation, where in the absence of a senior military police officer the local command was conducting an investigation, which was entirely inappropriate, the military police had to stop it. We all know the fallout from this incident in Somalia led to significant harm to the institution of the Canadian military, as a result of what happened and the outcome.
The other incident had to do with the removal of a commanding officer in Afghanistan. When Mr. Hawn and I were both there on a Sunday morning, all of a sudden there was a plane leaving Kandahar air force base with a commanding officer on it because of a matter involving an offence and a charge against the code of military conduct. That's an incident where one might say there could have been interference. There were guidelines in place. There was an agreement in place. No interference took place.
Are we opening the door for potential interference in a circumstance like that? That's the concern we have. Why are we stepping backwards? This is not modernization. This is retrenchment. This is turning back the clock.