I'm surprised to hear Mr. Alexander say a large number of grievances are affected by this. We're talking about the Chief of the Defence Staff overruling the grievance board. I wouldn't say that happens a hell of a lot of the time, to be honest with you.
But it's important to know that when we have what we're now going to be calling the external review board, it is designed to provide external independent determination of a grievance of a Canadian Forces member. To go through this whole process of having the grievance determined by an external review board after being denied through the chain of command, suppose that person wins at the external review board and the CDS says no. Isn't the requirement of reason by itself not enough if the reasons only go to the griever?
But there is a public interest in knowing whether or not, and why, something that has gone so far as to be adopted by the external review board for the purpose of ensuring independence is now being overturned. There is a right to know there.
As for the second consideration on the other side—the grievance being submitted by a military judge—it's clearly in the interest of transparency to know what the outcome is when the CDS is making a decision with respect to a military judge. Any interference with the privacy of the military judge who is involved is overridden by the necessity of ensuring the public and the members of the military community in particular know of the independence of military judges.
This might be the provision that would save the issue of independence of the judges if there is publicity and transparency with respect to how the CDS deals with grievances, that it is not being done behind closed doors. If it's something that would clearly not be deemed by a court to interfere with independence, you'd then know that because you'd know what the decision was, it would be publicly available, and it would be part of whatever challenge went to the court.
These things go to court because someone is dissatisfied with the decision made by a particular tribunal, or sometimes in advance of the tribunal even hearing it. That was the case with one or two matters before a court martial. The independence of the judges was a challenge to the process.
I think we should do whatever we can to ensure transparency there. Even if you don't agree with me in terms of the Chief of the Defence Staff not making decisions on a military judge, by adding these five words “and make public without delay” the reasons for a decision with respect to overruling a finding of the grievances committee or one of the military judge, I think we would be assisting the process.