Following Mr. Harris's comment, when you look at the scale of punishments, you see very clearly that it does not simply increase the fine constantly. Consequently, establishing the amount is not all that relevant. It is logical that, at some point, beyond a certain amount, we will move on to higher levels in the scale of punishments. We thought it more or less relevant to add an amount after a fine because there are very large differences in salaries. I have the pay scales in front of me. Let us take the basic pay for one month, for example. For a private, one month's basic pay is $2,751. For a major who is a medical specialist, it can be as much as $19,638. So you see the range is quite broad, depending on specialization and rank.
As I previously said, there is a scale of punishments for when you want to punish someone. Logically, the amount cannot be increased to infinity, and harsher punishments will be imposed instead. Preference will be given to reduction in rank or detention, for example. From that point, the amendments to clause 75 would no longer apply because there would be other punishments in addition to the fine. I believe that would be entirely appropriate. It would avoid certain ambiguities. Consequently, what is considered basic monthly pay for a reservist? Is it the salary he earns with the unit or the one he earns in his full-time job?
Consider the example of a reservist who has a high-paying civilian job. He could be a private and earn $200,000 in his civilian life. In that case, the commanding officer would know he has the financial ability to pay a stiffer fine than, for example, a reservist who is a part-time student and is doing that to pay for his education. I believe that, logically, and to simplify everything, we absolutely do not need to include the words "fine not exceeding basic pay for one month". Simply specifying the word "fine" would be simply logical. It would permit a better interpretation and would avoid ambiguity with regard to reservists. We do not really know what regular basic pay is.
It must also be understood that, according to chapter 108 of the QR&Os, in summary trials, a commanding officer may not impose a fine of more than 60% of monthly basic pay. When someone replaces him and he delegates his authority, the figure falls to 25% of monthly pay. I do not really know what made the government party refer to basic pay for one month when we know that these limits exist. I imagine that is based on a court martial. I therefore believe that this amendment is entirely relevant and that it would simplify the interpretation of clause 75 as it would be amended. I believe this is an entirely relevant amendment and I encourage the government party to adopt it.