Clause 101 is the provision—this amendment increases it from five years to seven. We have some serious concerns about that. We've had significant evidence brought before this committee, and I refer in particular to the evidence of Mr. Justice Létourneau, who complained about the piecemeal approach being taken to the amendment to this act. Also at one point he talked about the resistance to change within the legal structure of the military justice system. He expressed some grave concerns about how long it takes for the system to respond to things like the Charter of Rights, the evolution of the law, and the failure of military justice to keep up with it.
He made a very strong argument from his perspective about the necessity for a fundamental review of the National Defence Act. I know Colonel Gibson has very different views because he's the one, or his department is the one, that Mr. Justice Létourneau feels ought to have a more significant independent review. Our argument joins with Mr. Justice Létourneau in saying that by just referring to certain sections, for example, in clause 101—