I am happy I can make madam laugh.
I have another question for you, Lieutenant-Colonel Dufour.
If we added section 100—this is a hypothetical question—would there be any other provisions and tools that we could consider? I understand that tools are necessary in order to punish. That is absolutely necessary in an operational context. Having worn the uniform in the civilian world for a long time, I know there are other provisions. It is not because a subsection is repealed or set aside that there are no other tools that can be used to punish the individual based on the seriousness of the acts committed. We all acknowledge that, if the act is serious, punishment is necessary. We cannot tolerate very serious acts in the Canadian Forces because there are consequences. Are there any other provisions? If we deleted section 100, would there be any other provisions under which a person who committed an offence could be punished? I am talking about a very serious offence in this case.