—said that in sum total, in this country we tend to have what was described as, and I hate to use the term, the Cadillac. I'm not saying that we don't need to strive for perfection. Everyone on this committee and every Canadian wants the best for our CF members. It's just sometimes reality shows its head.
When you say you need certain things, we all want them, too, but I do think, for the average person out there, the people I represent, we all use measuring sticks. We all use comparatives. When you say it really doesn't matter what the rest of NATO or the rest of the world does with their forces, with their similar army, navy, and air force, that we're just concerned with ours, I think the average person would say that they need something to compare that to.
Should we compare it to our NATO allies? Should we compare it just to Great Britain and the United States, with which we are more aligned? How do we fare as far as the number of mental health care workers per soldier, or per airman, or per sailor is concerned?
That's why I asked the question, not as a criticism of your office, because we know you're there for the good of our soldiers. What concerns me is when you say we don't need a measuring stick. I think the average person out there would want you to use a measuring stick, but then show us some of the shortfalls, if you get where I'm going.