As far as treatment goes, we're there. It's good. From my experience, it's fine.
As far as peer support goes, the program exists and is working well. Don't change it. Don't let it disappear. No more investment is needed on that front.
As for leadership, I believe leadership education programs already exist.
If I could make one recommendation, it would be to invest in prevention. Prevention of what? The next strategic turning point, North America-wide, Canada-wide and Canadian Forces-wide, is suicide prevention.
We haven't even begun to understand suicide, despite the epidemiological studies that have been done. I had a rope around my neck, Mr. Alexander. I was three minutes away from hanging myself. My email to the police was written. All the arrangements were made. With the benefit of hindsight and with that experience in mind, I can say that we don't understand suicide when I look at prevention efforts today.
I didn't fit the model of suicide when I had the rope around my neck.
So I would say, invest in suicide prevention.