I would certainly hope so. As a case in point, I spoke earlier about the Be the Difference campaign launch. One of the individuals who came forward with a very touching testimonial of her own nightmarish mental health issues has since been promoted from major to light colonel. There's not much better testimony to transparency, openness, and objectivity than that.
I would say, though, with those who put their hand up and get treated, that's not necessarily a public piece. When I say “put their hand up”, that could mean they appreciate the need to get help and they seek help privately. Putting their hand up might not mean it's a public display.
Sometimes their natural progression through the rank structure may happen following successful treatment for a mental health issue, but it may not be fully open, nor should it be, to the rank and file. If I have a bad back and then recover and get promoted, that's not really anybody else's business.