Absolutely, forewarned is forearmed, and if they had been sat down, or had somebody from OSISS primarily who had suffered an operational stress injury.... They could perhaps tell the people going that there are signs to look for that they should be aware of: if you see something like this, don't be afraid to go and talk to the...there's a psychiatrist over there all the time, or whatever; talk to your medical officer.
If they had that, they might not be so susceptible to it when they come back, or when they start to see their own symptoms. They're taught how to staunch bleeding, tie tourniquets, all that kind of stuff, but they're not given any tools to deal with the mental aspect of combat, or the terror, because often it was more terror than combat.
Jon told me, he said, “Dad, the first quarter of a mile you look at where you're putting your feet because you don't know what you're going to step on.” That was every day he went out.