As I said, we're into it a very short period of time; it hasn't been a full year.
She was diagnosed in February, after her first attempt. She had been seen. Hers is more anger. She feels betrayed. It's different. There is drinking, absolutely, which is totally out of character for her. With her, it's more her whole being. Her desire is gone for everything. When she came back this last time and Alexei, her son, stayed with us, she would call him every day, morning, noon, and night. She would call me 30 times. It was almost getting annoying. I wish that was back again. As time went on...she came in the summer to visit him. We spent a great time, but I knew then something was wrong. By Christmas, she came and it was the same thing. By January, phone calls became very limited, very short. Skyping did not exist anymore. It just went downhill from there.