Thank you, Chair. I appreciate that.
Thank you, guests, very much.
I am fairly new to this committee, so I'm just getting up to speed but very much appreciate the briefing this morning, like others. I think we need to say it is understood that it is unanimous—every one of us is very proud of the professionalism of our armed forces, and we all have respect for fellow citizens who don that uniform and step into harm's way on our behalf. We can fight like hell about the politics of missions and things in this place, but when it comes to those officers and those Canadians who are out there, we're all united in appreciating their efforts. Through you, we wish to say thanks.
If I can, I would like to pick up on going forward. It's suggested, Ms. Martin, that we may need to extend the mission, and of course that would be re-defined.
And let me say, Chair, that I totally respect the read-out that you did at the beginning, and I understand why.
I have total respect for the fact that there are lines, General, that you can't cross in terms of your comments to the minister, and I accept that.
Still, I would ask first off what sorts of military objectives still remain, given the new reality in Libya, above and beyond training transitional support. Or is that the extent of it? I'd like a bit of a short list of some of the military objectives going forward that you would see as potential components of a mission, were you to recommend to the minister and the minister to recommend to Parliament that we indeed have an extension.